Splash Pro Options

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SPLASH PRO expands the already powerful free version “FreeSplash

Version 1.1.5 RW 8 / Classic

- Optimized embedded fonts loading.
- Removed legacy CSS.

Options RW

  • Font size 14/22px with Slider   PRO
  • Rounded corners with Slider   PRO
  • Support for RGBA colours   PRO
  • Colour Navigation with RGBA   PRO

Responsive Options:


Build in support for iPad / tablets / iPhone / Smartphone

Banner Image

Just drag your image !

Customizable with “Banner image” Option.

Page - Setting

  • Max width 768px
  • Max width 1000px
  • Max width 1200px
  • Max width 1300px   PRO
  • Max width 1400px   PRO
  • Variabile width (edge to edge)
  • Central - max Width 768px
  • Central - max Width 580px
  • Central - max Width 380px
  • Central - Automatic resizing

Page - Style

  • Flat color
  • Opacity 80%
  • Opacity 40%
  • Opacity 0%

Page - Loading effects:

  • Instant
  • Fade In
  • Zoom Out
  • Zoom In
  • Slide

Background - Style

  • Opacity 100%
  • Opacity 80%
  • Opacity 40%
  • Opacity 25%
  • Hide Background image

Background - Loading effects:

  • Instant
  • Fare In
  • Fade In + CSS Blur filter   PRO
  • Zoom Out
  • Zoom Out + CSS Blur filter   PRO
  • Zoom In
  • Zoom In + CSS Blur filter   PRO

Show / Hide DIV

  • Footer Off
  • Sidebar Off
  • Header Off
  • Nav Off PRO

Privacy Policy Banner Style

  • Text, Bg and Button Colours   PRO
  • Change text size   PRO
  • Center content & Padding   PRO
  • Button Outline Rounded & Corners   PRO
  • Dark Overlay   PRO
  • Banner Position Top Middle, Bottom   PRO
  • Fonts Helvetica Neue, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Georgia   PRO

Awesome Font


Icons and social icons

Side panel Setting

  • Side - width 500px text   PRO
  • Side - width 320px   PRO
  • Side - width 40%   PRO
  • Side - width 50%   PRO
  • Side - width 70%   PRO
  • Central - width 500px   PRO
  • Central - width 700px   PRO
  • Central - width 80%   PRO
  • Central - width 99%   PRO
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Side panel / Navigation

  • Show "MENU" text   PRO
  • Text: Uppercase   PRO
  • Centered text   PRO
  • Variable text size   PRO


  • Ex1,2,3 Fluid image (edge to edge)  PRO
  • Ex2,3: Padding off   PRO
  • Ex2,3: Text justified   PRO
  • Backdrop filter to Extracontents 2 and 3   PRO

Built-In WebFont:

Classes + Titles

  • Raleway
  • Ruluko
  • Open Sans Condensed
  • Bree Serif
  • Signika
  • Capriola
  • Archivio Narrow
  • Abel   PRO
  • Playfair   PRO
  • Montserrat   PRO
  • Oswald + Uppercase   PRO
  • Cinzel   PRO

Built-In WebFont:


  • Raleway   PRO
  • Ruluko   PRO
  • Open Sans Condensed   PRO
  • Bree Serif   PRO
  • Signika   PRO
  • Capriola   PRO
  • Archivio Narrow   PRO
  • Abel   PRO
  • Playfair   PRO
  • Montserrat   PRO
  • Oswald   PRO
  • Cinzel   PRO

Colors - Layout

  • Title and Slogan
  • Page + ex1 links and background
  • Page + Sidebar
  • Body background and footer text
  • Extrac. 2+3 background and text   PRO
  • Navigation background and text   PRO

Combo options [+] :

Theme customized options are effective if easy to use. We have created a small list of favorite options to help you manage the theme easily and quickly.

back to Top button   PRO

Progress Bar   PRO

Padding Off

Text: justified

Banner Image - Pattern

Fluid image

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