25+ Ready-to-use icons

Fixed & fluid sizes in desktop, tablet and mobile

Responsive options:
- Minimum Height      
- Fluid Height       & minim. height
- Fixed dimensions      

Fixed & fluid sizes in desktop, tablet and mobile

Responsive options:
- Minimum Height      
- Fluid Height       & minim. height
- Fixed dimensions      
Apple, Apple Pay, Amazom, AppStore, Behance, Blogger-b, Brain, Cart Shopping, Chart Pie, Cloud Arrow Down, Discord, Discourse, Envelope, Evernote, Facebook, FB Messenger, Github, Instagram, YouTube, Linkedin, Paypal, Pinterest, Playstation, Skype, Vimeo, X Twitter

  Can't find the icon you're looking for?

With Quick SVG you can load external svgs from the "awesome font" library or other sources to use any vector icon.